Why do I do this?
I have been talking to a few people on different occasions, and forums, and lately, I have realized that people become anxious, puzzled, and almost uncomfortable when I say good things about them(not praise but actual good things), multiple times!
The immediate response I have gotten is, Thank you followed by some form of why I did this or what made me.
And, until I justify things with reasons they are on their toes, post that, are they comfortable? no, they would want to justify it with something and tone it down...
Now, suppose I repeat this(saying good words), they look for the reason behind this act, is she in need of something, or do I need to do something or, how do I reciprocate to this? When they are unsure and their patience reaches the limit, I have been openly asked why I do this.
I sincerely thank you all for the open conversation and I will promise to make you all easy around me.
And, to those who are curious as to why I do this, Here's why??
My life has taught me a couple of things, that life is volatile, everyone goes through things silently, fights hundreds of things, and may be genuinely in survival mode, so I will always try to be calm, gentle, and kind. That doesn't mean I lie or exaggerate, things I say remain true not in just my view but also to the whole world.
Also, I always believe that there is no reason in this world to be harsh at any cost, at any time. words matter a lot, you say something harsh that creates a scar in any relationship(professional and personal) and you can't undo it, damage done is done.
When the whole world is always running behind something, I would like to, maybe try to run towards, kindness and empathy. To put me in others' place.
So, my dear people when I say something, I will always mean it and will always be genuine, most of you must know by now, that I won't lie or won't fake, and won't think twice to leave a place if I don't fit in or respected enough.
Coming back, I will have a reason, maybe, but I don't actively try to search for it, cause that becomes conditional, I don't look for anything from anyone apart from genuine interactions and a positive environment.
And, let's all create an environment where good words come from the heart with no specific purpose behind and reasons for them, and let's all try to be less anxious and less doubtful of the way we are.
a note to me,
While still being you, try to adapt to people, just like how pets are treated differently, or how you might not go very much near to wild animals but you admire them the same. if fewer words make them comfortable, then be it.
If only we accept ourselves the way we accept strangers, our lives will be much better.
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